Intuitive Piano

Both music and spirituality are important to my life, but for many years I could not find a way to merge these parts of myself. However, in late 2024 I discovered that I could intentionally improvise piano music for a specific person or group. The listeners would often be deeply moved by this “intuitive music.” I have continued to explore and deepen this ability. And so I’m now offering personalized intuitive piano experiences to the public.

This intuitive piano music can be considered a hybrid of sound and energy healing. The music is intended for the highest good of all, but is specifically intended for the listener in that moment, and may unlock deeply meaningful experiences. Some people have reported powerful phenomena while listening to these intuitive piano journeys, such as ancestral visions, a sense of peace, purpose, motivation, and emotional release. There’s no telling exactly what people may experience, or what music might be created in support of that person, because everyone is unique.

As I play, I often find myself in a world of shapes, colors, and visions. The music seems to tell me where it wants to go. The sound mysteriously carries the intention that is imprinted on it, and that intention can be felt upon listening. When I’m playing for people in this intentional way, I feel like I’m supporting them and lifting them up. The music can be recorded and listened to again and again to deepen that sense of support.

For your convenience, I have created a price list. All prices include a high-quality recordings for you to keep. There may be multiple smaller pieces in a given amount of time, or I can make just one long piece. I can cater to your specific needs, and am more than happy to work with you!

20 minutes - $200
30 minutes - $250
40 minutes - $300
60 minutes - $350
80 minutes - $400

I look forward to creating some intuitive piano music for you, your loved ones, your friends, or for any purpose or cause that could use energetic support. Please click on the albums below to listen to some recent examples.

Disclaimer: I do not claim that this music will heal or fix any kind of medical condition that you may have, and encourage you to seek a trained physician.

Also, unless otherwise agreed upon, I will retain all copyrights to these recordings and reserve the right to share and sell them to the public.